Many corporations today are in a critical competitive environment in regards to
their expense situation versus their earning capacity. Agility and cost savings in combination with the necessary internal
alignment of the IT with the business processes - business alignment - are precedents for successfully fulfilling qualifying
requirements. In order to gain fair insight and a realistic basis for critical financial decision-making, an understanding
of the corporate marketability and position of internal service offerings as compared to those of other companies and
external IT services providers, terms and scope of service, a formal benchmark measurement of the entire IT infrastructure
is necessary.
Goal of the benchmark is of current sources of IT infrastructure. Costs should be categorized into at least the following groups:
From the information gained from categorizing the expenses and costs, a comparative analysis of similarly sized IT service providers can be performed to establish a comparative map of market and competitive capacity.
The IT infrastructure should be evaluated with priority given to the following collected und evaluated data:
From the results and conclusions it will be apparent, which areas or departments will require further in depth analysis.
The evaluation of data collected is based on standardized operations and performance data. Depending on the area under study, a set of operating figures, so called key performance indicators (KPI) will be introduced at the kick-off workshop. Vation Technology will recommend the appropriate approach.
The comparison of collected date and standardized operations and performance data is mapped against reference data of similar corporations according to
in accordance with Best-Practice standards.
Expected results and goals of the infrastructure benchmark: